Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sue Sim Northumbria Police and the Martin McGartland Shooting Cover Up

Martin McGartland was shot 6 times and almost killed in June 1999. Martin McGartland was shot by the IRA who were led to his 'safe house' by Northumbria Police after they took a flawed court case against him in 1997. During the court case Northumbria Police read out Martin's name and his full home address in open court. Those detailed were reported in the media. Martin McGartland says; Sue Sim, Northumbria Police are covering Up IRA involvement in my attempted murder. They also continue to cover-up the entire shooting case. Sue Sim has been and continues to be directly involved in that cover-up."


SO Raoul Moat is dead, and while I'm sure the people of Rothbury are mightily relieved it's Northumbria Police who should REALLY be grateful.

Because at least this way there won't be any more blood on their hands. No more innocent people dead, no more young mums clinging to life in hospital, no more cops with their faces shot off.
But the biggest embarrassment is surely the fact that Moat outfoxed and outran a major police force for more than a week. And despite their best efforts it was HIM who finally decided how and when he was going to die.
Northumbria Police - and I'm talking about the head honchos here, not the poor beggars on the ground taking orders from incompetents - have acted like a bunch of Keystone Cops in the hunt for Moat, proving without doubt that when the big stuff happens - they just can't hack it.

So bad were they, so embarrassing, that officers from 15 other forces, crack Scotland Yard marksmen, Army survival experts and an RAF Tornado jet were all drafted in to help. I mean how many people does it take to catch a lone gunman?
And when this is over, the people of Northumbria have every right to ask what the hell their taxes are being spent on when a police force with every resource at its disposal is incapable of catching one deranged nutter. A force whose inability to act quickly or effectively actually PUT people in danger rather than protected them from it.
As for Sue Sim, who started the week as Acting Chief Constable and ended it re-branded as Temporary Chief Constable, she needs to get back where she belongs - counting paperclips and banging up drunks in Newcastle on Saturday nights. Because while I'm sure she's a nice woman (apart from the unfortunate resemblance to Maggie Thatcher) she's shown that when it comes to leading a police force, doing what she's been trained to do - she's as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike.
Moat made abject fools of the police trying to catch him. In the seven days he was on the run he TWICE popped into a mate's house in Newcastle. You'd have thought that after the first time an officer might have been posted outside the door in case he came back. But no. And of course he DID come back two days later. Another missed opportunity. Just one of many.

On Thursday locals saw Moat, large as life, strolling down Rothbury High Street. Was he agitated? Did he look like a man who felt the net was closing in? Nope.
So unconcerned was he that he broke into one family's home while they were out, had a kip, helped himself to food from the fridge then walked to some local allotments where he picked himself some nice ripe tomatoes. And exactly where were Northumbria Police? Well, they were telling everyone Moat wasn't in the town at all - but out on the Moors.
Rothbury's tiny, for God's sake. Was it really beyond the wit of an entire force, with massive back-up, to smoke out a lone man with zero resources who'd been sighted half a dozen times in one day? And of course all of this could have been avoided - if Northumbria Police had acted on information from Durham jail that Moat intended to "seriously hurt" ex- girlfriend Samantha Stobbart on his release.

So, why wasn't she taken from her home and protected? Why wasn't her now dead boyfriend protected? What in God's name had to happen before the chiefs at Northumbria got off their backsides and took this thug who's got form for violence, seriously? We're always hearing that good policing is about prevention. So why the hell didn't they take steps to prevent the carnage that followed?

Raoul Moat's legacy won't just be that he was a killer. It will be that he exposed and made monkeys out of an entire police force in a way that no investigation, no official report, ever could.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Shooting Northumbria Police and Cover Up in Martin McGartland attempted murder

Court clears top IRA mole

21 May 1997

Britain's former top IRA spy was last night making a fresh bid to start a new life, after being cleared by a jury at Newcastle Crown Court, of trying to pervert the course of justice. Mr Martin McGartland, 27, who has lived under the name of Martin Ashe for the last six years, had claimed he was in fear of a terrorist death squad when he used duplicate driving licences to avoid a ban. The jury took just 10 minutes to find the author of Fifty Dead Men Walking, which is fast becoming a best seller, not guilty at the end of a five-day trial. Later, it was made clear he would be moving away from Tyneside, and the legal firm which represented him issued a statement criticising the moves which brought him to court and exposed him to danger from the IRA. It read: ''It is Mr McGartland's view that the prosecution should never have been brought in light of his services to the public in Northern Ireland. ''The prosecution has exposed him to further danger, which his resettlement on the mainland was meant to avoid. ''Mr McGartland believes that the prosecution was brought with total disregard for his own safety, and that the Crown showed no insight into the real and imagined dangers encountered by those living in the shadow of the IRA.'' The trial took place in secret after his barrister, Mr Glen Gatland, applied to Judge Denis Orde to make an order banning publication of proceedings until the end, as it was feared the IRA might try to target the court. During the trial the court was told that after fleeing Ulster, where it is claimed he helped save 50 lives by passing on secrets to the police, he became convinced he was being followed by potential assassins. Almost every time he speeded away to elude them he was stopped by police, and he used duplicate driving licences to escape a ban after totting up 12 speeding points in the summer of 1993. He could not reveal to police his reasons, as he feared detection. Magistrates thought he only had three points each time he appeared in court, because he handed in different licences. He was, however, on the verge of losing his licence under the totting-up procedure, and has since served a six-month ban. While in operation in Ulster, he was known as Agent Carol, and the information he passed on was from top level IRA sources, and was thought to have prevented numerous bombings and shootings, and exposed arms and explosives caches. Former Ulster intelligence gathering chief, Superintendent Ian Phoenix, who died in the Chinook helicopter crash on the Mull of Kintyre, was said to have rated him as the most successful double agent he had known. Eventually, Mr McGartland's cover was blown and he was seized by IRA gunmen in August 1991, after helping the security forces for four years. He managed to escape from a third storey window, suffering serious head injuries which left him with partial brain damage.He was then given a new identity and relocated by Special Branch. Mr McGartland has taken action against Northumbria police after learning his new name and real name were being held on file. This led to a computer programmer being sacked from the force.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Martin McGartland calls on Northumbria Police to carry out an independent internal investigation into leaks

Martin McGartland calls on Northumbria Police to carry out an independent internal investigation into leaks

The following is Martin McGartland's letter to Northumbria Police dated Monday 5th July 2010.


Dear Ms Aubrey,

Re:- Police Leaks of sensitive information concerning my 1999 attempted murder, misconduct in public office by those behind such leaks, abetting misconduct in public office.

Please can you confirm that Northumbria Police will now be opening an internal investigation into the leaking of information to media relating to my attempted murder case. This information was published in the News of the World on Sunday 4th July 2010;

Will NP also confirm that the internal investigation will be carried out, dealt with by an independent third party given the history between NP and myself. Such an internal investigation needs to be open, fair and also transparent so that I can have total confidence in same. If however, NP are not prepared to bring in independent third party, can you please write to me explaining why not.
I maintain that there is police corruption by officers connected to my 1999 attempted murder case and that they too are behind this latest leak of confidential information, including the damaging smears made by NP officers against me between 1999 and 2010.

There is also the issue of the News of the World newspaper, reporter aiding and abetting misconduct in public office by publishing such information and or protecting officer(s) involved. You will be well aware that this is not the first time Northumbria Police have leaked information about me, my attempted murder case. In 1999 NP officer leaked very damaging and untruthful information and lies about me when I was fighting for my life. NP told members of the press that my attempted murder was ‘nothing to do with the IRA’ and that shooting was ‘drugs related’ and that I was a member of a ‘drugs gang’. You also know I took legal action against your force and also many other newspapers who reported the lies, smears against me. I was successful in each and every one of those cases and the newspapers confirmed that they only printed the information which NP gave them because they believed it was accurate. However, the newspapers accepted, some in open court, that the reports were completely untrue and that I had not at any time been connected to or involved in drugs. The newspapers also published full and unequivocal apologies to me in their newspapers and each paid me very substantial damages and my legal costs were paid in full. I also retain sworn affidavits from each of the journalists involved, where they gave detailed accounts of what they were told on the day by NP and I also have recordings of other journalists confirming same. The truth was that NP did this to take the heat off themselves, to save face and or embarrassment, but the problem being, is that this has continued and has resulted in a full scale cover-up in my attempted murder case, which dates back to 1999 and has included Chief Constables from NP, many other senior officers, MI5, CPS and others. It should never be forgotten that it was NP who led the IRA men who tried to kill me on the 17th June 1999 to my door. This is also the reason why I say NP have for over 11 years now covered-up IRA involvement in my attempted murder. NP continue with that cover-up to this day.

There have also been other leaks by Northumbria Police, its officers. In 1999/2000, NP officers gave a local Newcastle newspaper reporter information about the amount it was costing NP to protect me. However, I am bound to say, if NP had never taken a malicious prosecution against me in 1997 in which I was found not guilty by a jury in 10 minutes, then they would never had needed to protect me because the IRA would never have known where I was or that Martin Ashe and Martin McGartland were one and the same person. It was NP who read out my name and even home address in open court and those details were published in national newspapers. During that court case, NP even told the court that I had not been kidnapped by the IRA nor had I escaped by jumping from a third floor window nor had my brother been kidnapped by the IRA and severely beaten and left for dead. NP deliberately lied and told the court that these things never happened and that it was a figment of my imagination. The problem was, NP knew very well that they did happen but decided to quite deliberately lie in an effort to try to discredit me in their bid to try to get a conviction against me at all costs, the Judge and the Jury saw through all of the lies and acquitted me of all charges within 10 minutes. NP and its Chief officers are continuing with a very deliberate, hurtful and damaging smear campaign, grudge and vendetta against me and this is affecting decisions, investigations and complaints relating to my cases where they are being whitewashed and covered-up and my human rights are being breached on a daily basis by NP and others and I am being discriminated against continually by NP and been subject to deliberate and very lengthy delays, all of which has caused me unbearable stress, anxiety and has had an effect on my health.

You will also know that NP employee was sacked for leaking confidential information about me in the past. Again, I was told little or nothing about the case and it was yet another NP cover-up and whitewash. All of this is taking place at a time when I am finding it impossible to get answers to the most simple of questions concerning my attempted murder case. Moreover, Northumbria Police continue to cover-up IRA involvement in my attempted murder. They are doing so when they are well aware that the IRA carried out the attack, the dogs in the street know it and NP are causing me great damage and stress by continuing to hide, cover-up in my case. Who other than the IRA would want to kill me and who would go to such lengths to do so.

It is concerning to me that the News of the World can publish information about my attempted murder and give details of who ordered my shooting when NP are telling me they don’t know who shot me after what NP have claimed to me, has been a thorough 11 year investigation but yet a journalist can print such information concerning my attempted murder. There are many unanswered questions in this case and NP, whether they like it or not, are going to have to answer those questions.
Please will you ensure that Sue Sim is sent copies of all correspondence in this, all other matters. I can confirm that I may well be making further complaints. A complaint I made against your previous Chief Constable has been in the hands of Northumbria Police Authority and they have still not investigated that complaint, subjected me to 3 year plus delay and despite requests by the IPCC to deal with my complaint, NPA continue to ignore same. I have had to make a further complaint against NPA Chief Executive in September 2009 and again, this has never been investigated and NPA are blatantly refusing to answer my emails concerning those complaints. All, any complaints I have been making against NPA, NP and even CPS, IPCC are being whitewashed. Furthermore, the SIO in charge of my case, (Mr Thomson), is in effect acting as judge, juror and executioner, given he is head of NP PSD (Professional Standards Department) and is investigating himself and finding no evidence of any wrongdoing against himself and or other senior NP officers..
I must ask that NP please email me concerning this matter as quickly as possible and give full details of what NP are going to do about this latest matter. I will forward a copy of this email to Chris Thomson for his information. I have already written to him asking if there is any truth in any of the claims published in the News of The World article and I await his reply concerning the same.

Yours sincerely,

Martin McGartland


Awaiting Reply from Northumbria Police, standby.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Shooting Northumbria Police Lies, Dirty Tricks and Cover Up of IRA attempted murder.

Shooting Northumbria Police Lies, Dirty Tricks and Cover Up of IRA attempted murder.

We ask; WHY ARE NOTHUMBRIA POLICE STILL COVERING UP IN MARTIN MCGARTLAND CASE - The Dogs in the Street know the IRA tried to kill Martin, The News of the World and many others newspapers know it so why are Northumbria Police, after 11 long years, still covering up IRA involvement in Martin McGartland's 1999 attempted murder?


IRA's secret Glasgow hitman


By Charles Lavery, 04/07/2010

THE prime suspect behind an attempt to assassinate an MI5 supergrass is a mystery Scot who masterminded the IRA hit from his Glasgow base, the News of the World can reveal.

The 52-year-old, who we can only call 'S' for legal reasons, sent a three-man team of Scottish hitmen to Newcastle to kill IRA informer Martin McGartland in 1999.

Northumbria Police last week renewed an appeal for information over the attempted murder of McGartland, who survived being blasted six times during the attack.

And last night a source at the force told how 'S' is a prime suspect.

The terror boss has organised IRA active service units on the British mainland for more than two decades and runs operations from his base in the Calton district of Glasgow.

Our source said: "This individual has come up time and time again during our investigations.

"It seems he sent the team down to Newcastle with the express instruction to carry out their hit.

"That is the line of inquiry being focused on at the moment."

'S' is well known to counter-terror officers in the UK and runs his operations from some Celtic- affiliated pubs in the Calton area, where he is a respected member of the Catholic community.

Sources claim he has been involved in EVERY IRA operation on the UK mainland for three decades.

Northumbria Police also now believe 'S' is directly connected to the attempt to murder McGartland, 40, who was shot as he sat in his car in Whitley Bay, North Tyneside, on June 17, 1999.

Five people were arrested but nobody has ever been charged.

Police in Newcastle say he was targeted by Republicans, but their efforts to trace those responsible have hit a wall of silence.

McGartland, already on the run as a known IRA informer to MI5, was moved and given a new identity.

In 2008 he wrote a bestseller about his experiences in 50 Dead Men Walking, which was turned into a hit movie starring Sir Ben Kingsley and Jim Sturgess last year.

Jim Sturgess as Martin McGartland in Fifty Dead Men Walking

We can reveal the team tasked with assassinating McGartland ended up boozing with one of his pals and made a drunken pact just to wound, not kill, him.

Our source said: "S sent the team down to Newcastle. Their orders were to kill, and they did fire six bullets into McGartland - but most of them were in his lower body.

"They struck a deal with a close friend of Marty's and agreed not to kill him."

McGartland, codenamed 'Agent Carol', gave information to Special Branch between 1987 and 1991, as he rose to the centre of IRA and Sinn Féin operations. At one time he was tied up and interrogated by an IRA death squad, and only escaped by jumping from a window.

He moved to England and received almost £100,000 to buy a house and start again in Whitley Bay, using the name Martin Ashe. It was Northumbria Police who brought the IRA hit team to his door when, in 1997, his identity was revealed in court after he was caught breaking the speed limit and prosecuted for holding driving licences in different names, which he explained was a means of avoiding IRA detection. He was cleared of perverting the course of justice.

After the shooting, he was given round-the-clock armed protection and an armoured car. The man leading the hunt for the would-be killers, Det Chief Supt Chris Thomson, said: "It was a cold-blooded, calculated assassination attempt.

"McGartland's history as an agent for the then Royal Ulster Constabulary and his supplying of information about the Provisional IRA is a matter of public knowledge, documented in his bookss. Our main line of inquiry continues to be that Mr McGartland may have been shot by people with Irish Republican sympathies."

Northumbria Police are continuing to use DNA recovered from the scene to eliminate people from the investigation. Other lines of inquiry involve a van abandoned at the scene, which had been bought two days before the attack, and a pistol forensically linked to the shooting.

McGartland, who is still in hiding, declined to comment.

The hitman probe is the latest in a series of links between Glasgow and some of the IRA's worst atrocities.

Hugh Doherty, 59 - linked to 16 IRA murders - came from Toryglen in the city, while Brighton bomber Patrick Magee, 59, was arrested at a safe house in nearby Govanhill.

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